DAILY LIFE….. Rapid Change in Uzbekistan

26 OCTOBER  2018 – Everywhere, in neighborhoods and the urban downtown and the near Business districts,  the change is visible confirmation that the fabric of Tashkent is undergoing upheaval and dynamic growth.  Economic investment both by the Uzbek government and foreign investors is creating rapid development.  The word ‘gentrification’ resonated with the architecture institute faculty & students when I asked about it…. though we had no time to pursue a conversation about these issues  – which many cities around our planet Earth are facing, either with intentional conversation & policy,  or without.

Mud-Wall buildings in the Old Town (below) –  Efforts are underway to protect these older historic buildings and neighborhoods, not just as museums but as communities with local families occupying them.  These land pressures will increase as the city fills in and needs more space to develop, creating a challenging dynamic.

Construction continuing from early to late, daily (below) – I understand that construction workers make a good living.  These are currently not an immigrant workforce but local Uzbek workers.  Will the pace of development outpace the capacity of the local+regional workforce?

Chorsu Bazaar (below) – A reminder that ancient bazaars and modern supermarkets can and do exist together in this expanding complex city.


Layers of Old and New (below) – Will these small scale old residential neighborhoods continue to exist when I next return to Tashkent?

Concrete Pumps and Construction Cranes visible in numerous districts of Tashkent (below) – As dense car traffic rushes along, the pace of new construction with related demolition flows with its own swift pace.




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